Yarn: Alpaca Lace from Cascade Yarns; Ecru
Designing this shawl was a little more problematic for me; not because the stitch patterns were difficult, or the construction was more complicated. Mostly, I think, my problems were due to budding designer syndrome. In other words, not taking the time to really double check my charts, and working 12 rows before realizing that my pattern was slightly off. Or not using a bind off that is loose enough for the scalloped edge. Whoops! This shawl definitely taught me a few valuable lessons, all of which I sorely needed to learn.
It still came out ok, I think.
I really loved the alpaca yarn; I’ve tried knitting lace with alpaca before, and for whatever reason I failed miserably. I just couldn’t get a consistent gauge; it was either too tight or too loose, and I would just get frustrated. This yarn, however, was marvelous to work with, and the blue beads on the edge added a nice, subtle touch.
I love you shawl! My first baby steps in lace are sometimes frustrating (and I’m light years behind your skill level), too, but I find it’s totally worth it.
The pearls do add a certain something to the shawl, and I really like the geometric lace pattern.
I love how crisp it looks. The scallops are the deep ones that I have always adored. Kudos, my friend!